

C, C++, JAVA, Python通用



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二次开发包基于 C 语言开发

由 libspectrometer.h 头文件

libspectrometer.lib 链接文件

libspectrometer.dll  二进制动态链接库组成



/* All of these C functions start with libspectrometer_ to prevent namespace

 * collisions.




#ifdef WIN32

#define DLL_DECL extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) 


#define DLL_DECL



 // typedef 




//  Other protocol check with support engineer







 // SPECTROMETER open close function



 * This function opened first  spectrometer attached to the PC via USB.


 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param protocol means, this SDK supported spectrometers from different vendor,

 * By default we use protocol=0, to open default spectrometer using default protocol

 * more spectrometer supported please check with technical support engineer.

 * @return int Return value to indicate if the specified spectrometer we opened successfully or not, 1=successfully, 0=not opened



 * Note that the index used to open a device with this function should also

 * be used to communicate with that same device in the other functions

 * provided here. 


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_open_spectrometer(int protocol,  int* error_code);


 * @brief This function closes specified spectrometer attached to the PC.

 * @param index , position of spectrometer connected to the PC

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: This function will return 1 no matter what!


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_close_spectrometer(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief This function opens ALL detected spectrometer attached to the system.

 * @param protocol means, this SDK supported spectrometers from different vendor,

 * By default we use protocol=0, to open default spectrometer using default protocol

 * more spectrometer supported please check with technical support engineer.

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param indexSpec (Input) if not -1 only open the first detected device

 * @return int: The function will return an integer of number it opened

 * device successfully, or 0 if no device was opened 


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_open_all_spectrometers(int protocol, int* error_code);


 * @brief This function closes all spectrometers attached to the system.

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: This function will return 1 no matter what!


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_close_all_spectrometers(int* error_code);


// SPECTROMETER main function



 * @brief This function returns a string indicate the model type of the spectrometer.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param buffer A character buffer muset be allocated by Upper Layer Application

 * @param buffer_length (Input) allocated size of the buffer, count in byte

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_model(int index, int* error_code, char* buffer, int buffer_length);


 * @brief This function returns a string indicate the serial number of the spectrometer.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param buffer A character buffer muset be allocated by Upper Layer Application

 * @param buffer_length (Input) allocated size of the buffer, count in byte

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_serial_number(int index, int* error_code, char* buffer, int buffer_length);


 * @brief This function sets the trigger mode for the specified device.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param mode (Input) a trigger mode

 *  mode=1 (software trigger, PC software start one command , and spectrometer will do one acquisition)

 *  mode=2 (external signal trigger spectrometer, trigger signal is posted by remote device)

 * mode=3(free, always running mode, never stop, this mode will always acquisition data from CCD)

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * please be noted, it is not allow to set trigger mode while acquisition is on going


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_trigger_mode(int index, int* error_code, int mode);


 * @brief This function sets the timeout when in external mode for the specified device.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param mode (Input) a trigger mode

 *  mode=1 (software trigger, PC software start one command , and spectrometer will do one acquisition)

 *  mode=2 (external signal trigger spectrometer, trigger signal is posted by remote device)

 * mode=3(free, always running mode, never stop, this mode will always acquisition data from CCD)

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * please be noted, it is not allow to set trigger mode while acquisition is on going


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_external_trigger_timeout(int index, int* error_code, long timeout);


 * @brief This function sets the running mode for the specified device. With running mode, we need

 * to save dark spectrum and reference spectrum first (by sending relatived command). With help of this running mode, we can

 * read processed data directly from spectrometer

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param mode (Input) a running mode







 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * please be noted, it is not allow to set trigger mode while acquisition is on going


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_running_mode(int index, int* error_code, int mode);


 * @brief This function sets the integration time for the specified device (by index).

 * this command has two behaviour,

1: when spectrometer is not in acquisition, we can change the integration time

2: when spectrometer is in acquisition, we will stop previous acquisition, and set the

new integration time to the spectrometer.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param integration_time_micros (Input) The new integration time in units of

 *      microseconds


 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_integration_time_microsec(int index, int* error_code,

unsigned long integration_time_micros);


 * @brief This function returns the smallest integration time setting,

 *        in microseconds, that is valid for the spectrometer.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return Returns minimum legal integration time in microseconds , here always be 1ms


DLL_DECL long libspectrometer_get_min_integration_time_microsec(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief This computes the wavelengths range of the spectrometer 

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param wavelengths (Output) A array of doubles which memory is allocated by Upper Layer Application

 * @param length (Input) The number of array (count in double) 

 * @return int: An integer of pixel count of this spectrometer


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_wavelengths(int index, int* error_code, double* wavelengths, int length);


 * @brief This acquires a spectrum and returns raw spectrum


 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param buffer (Output) A buffer (with memory allocated by Upper Layer Application) to hold the

 *        spectral data

 * @param buffer_length (Input) The length of the buffer in double (count in double)

 * @return int: The number of double read into the buffer


 * A formatted spectrum returns exactly one double-precision floating-point IEEE value

 * per pixel, The spectrometer has also had gain control (gain control)

 * applied, meaning it has been scaled up to the spectrometer's full dynamic range using

 * the gain setting recorded in that spectrometer’s EEPROM. user can't change the gain control value


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_raw_spectrum(int index, int* error_code,

double* buffer, int buffer_length);


 * @brief This acquires a spectrum and returns (raw - dark) spectrum

 *        floats(spectrum minues dark spectrum which stored in the EEPROM during factory calibration. 

  In this mode, gain control should be automatically

 *        performed for devices that support it.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param buffer (Output) A buffer (with memory allocated by Upper Layer Application) to hold the

 *        spectral data

 * @param buffer_length (Input) The length of the buffer in double (count in double)

 * @return int: The number of double read into the buffer



DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_reduced_spectrum(int index, int* error_code,

double* buffer, int buffer_length);


 * @brief This return a processed spectrum data to host

 *   in raw mode, return raw spectral

 *   in transmit mode, return transmit ratio

 *   in reflex mode, return reflex ratio

 *   in absorb mode, return absorb ratio

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param buffer (Output) A buffer (with memory allocated by Upper Layer Application) to hold the

 *        spectral data

 * @param buffer_length (Input) The length of the buffer in double (count in double)

 * @return int: The number of double read into the buffer


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_processed_spectrum(int index, int* error_code,

double* buffer, int buffer_length);


 * @brief This returns the number of pixels in the spectrometer     

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: An integer denoting the length of a formatted spectrum (in pixels)


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_raw_spectrum_length(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief set hardware average count, spectrometer will do the average automatically, 

 * and hardware only return only one spectrum(after average), which contains averaged data

 * upper software can also do the average by upload the several packages from spectrometer to PC, 

 * but upper layer application average will cost too much time

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_average(int index, int* error_code, int value);


 * @brief set the boxcar of the spectrometer, 

 * be noted : must be in odd number

 *  ABCD X EFGH, where X is current pixel, and AAAA BBBB means value = 4;

 *  X = X + D/2 + C/4 + B/8 + A/16 + E/2 + F/4 + G/8 + H/16

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_boxcar(int index, int* error_code, int value);


 * @brief save current collected spectrum as reference spectrum in the RAM of spectrometer

 * this data will be lost after spectrometer lost power

 * user can also save the reference spectrum in the EEPROM by using special factory tool

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


 * Save last collected spectrum in the cache of spectrometer as reference spectrum

 * further spectrum can be use processed_spectrum function to get processed data


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_save_as_reference_spectrum(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief save current collect spectrum as dark spectrum in the eeprom

 * this data will be lost after spectrometer lost power

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * Save last collected spectrum in the cache of spectrometer as dark spectrum

 * further spectrum can be use processed_spectrum function to get processed data


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_save_as_dark_spectrum(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief This function sets the shutter state on the spectrometer if system has shutter outside,

   and this shutter connected to GPIO of spectrometer.

 * @param index (Input) The index of a device previously opened with open_spectrometer().

 * @param error_code (Output) A pointer to an integer that can be used for storing

 *        error codes.

 * @param opened (Input)  1=open, 0=close

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_shutter_open(int index, int* error_code, int opened);


 * @brief spectrometer can connect a XENON light outside, Spectrometer has the capability to

 * tunr on the XENON ligh sychronized with the spectrum acquisition,

 * Normally the XENON need 6ms to get charged, and flash in 1us after charge is full.

 * Higher charge voltage (12V), smaller charger time needed.

 * We can specify the High period and low period of the XENON flash time, so that we can control the XENON to 

 * flash more than one time in one spectrum acquisiton period, This will cause more brighter of the light

 * This will be very helpful, it means we can control the brightness of the light, this usage is popular

 * when the liquid measurement. Low concentration liquid we can flash less, while High concentration liquid, we can flash 

 * more times to get the proper absorbance.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * @param mode (Input) 

 * mode = 0 (xenon always off, default value)

 * mode = 1 (xenon always on)

 * mode = 2 (xenon flash for one time when collect spectrum)

 * @param  flash_count when enable ligh, how many times XENON will flash in one spectrum acquisition

 * please remember , integration time should be 8ms * flash_count, eg, flash_count=10, integration_time should be 

 * at least 80ms. Otherwise the XENON will not get sufficient charged.


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_light_mode(int index, int* error_code, int mode, int flash_count);


 * @brief This function sets watch dog enable or disable, we not recommend to enable this function in USB mode

 * normally this function is enabled in the serial connection mode, and used in 7x24hour usage in the industry area.

 * Because usb connection we need to enumerate device after reboot, while in serial mode, not enumerate needed

 * Plese be noted, total_time = maximum_integration_time * maximum_average, total_time should be smaller than watchdog period

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * @param mode (Input)

 * mode = 0 (watchdog disable, default)

 * mode = 1 (watchdog enable

 * @param timeout count unit is second.


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_watchdog(int index, int* error_code, int mode, int timeout);


 * @brief This function reads a string out of the spectrometer's EEPROM slot

 *        and returns the result. Each slot is a 16 byte data. 

 * It is not recommend to write data to EEPROM slot frequently, since the SLOT is a progammable area.

 * User can read data from EEPROM slot frequently. 

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * @param slot_number (Input) The number of the slot to read out. each slot is a 16 character array 

 * @param slot_number after 100 is drak spectrum embedded. each dark spectrum is 8192 byte, total 3 dark spectrum

 * @param buffer (Output)  A buffer (with memory already allocated by upper layer application) to hold the

 *        value read out of the EEPROM slot

 * @param buffer_length (Input) The length of the allocated output buffer (typically 16)


/* SLOT 0 serial number

 * SLOT 1 model number

 * SLOT 9 serial baudrate

 * SLOT 10 gainBaseline

 * SLOT 11 gainHigh

 * SLOT 12 watchdog enable

 * SLOT 21 wavelength coef0

 * SLOT 22 wavelength coef1

 * SLOT 23 wavelength coef2

 * SLOT 24 wavelength coef3

 * SLOT 25 wavelength coef4

 * SLOT 26 wavelength coef5

 * SLOT 27 wavelength coef6

 * SLOT 28 wavelength coef7



 * SLOT 44 ip address

 * SLOT 45 DNS


 * SLOT 1000 -  reference spectrum

 * SLOT 2000 -  dark spectrum

 * SLOT 3000 -  1ms dark spectrum

 * SLOT 4000 -  10ms dark spectrum

 * SLOT 5000 -  100ms dark spectrum

 * SLOT 6000 -  500ms dark spectrum



 * Other space is reserved by factory used,

 * It is strongly recommended that end user not to touch unknown eeprom area


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_read_eeprom_slot(int index, int* error_code, int slot_number, unsigned char* buffer,

int buffer_length);




 /** @brief This function write a string into the spectrometer's EEPROM slot

 * Each slot is a 16 byte data. 

 * It is not recommend to write data to EEPROM slot frequently, since the SLOT is a progammable area.

 * User can read data from EEPROM slot frequently. 

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * @param slot_number (Input) The number of the slot to read out. each slot is a 16 character array 

 * @param slot_number after SLOT 1000 is drak spectrum embedded. each dark spectrum is 8192 byte, total 3 dark spectrum

 * @param buffer (Input)  A buffer contrains data to write of the EEPROM slot

 * @param buffer_length (Input) The length of the allocated output buffer (typically 16)


/* SLOT 0 serial number

 * SLOT 1 model number

 * SLOT 9 serial baudrate

 * SLOT 10 gainBaseline

 * SLOT 11 gainHigh

 * SLOT 12 watchdog enable

 * SLOT 21 wavelength coef0

 * SLOT 22 wavelength coef1

 * SLOT 23 wavelength coef2

 * SLOT 24 wavelength coef3

 * SLOT 25 wavelength coef4

 * SLOT 26 wavelength coef5

 * SLOT 27 wavelength coef6

 * SLOT 28 wavelength coef7



 * SLOT 44 ip address

 * SLOT 45 DNS


 * SLOT 1000 -  reference spectrum

 * SLOT 2000 -  dark spectrum

 * SLOT 3000 -  1ms dark spectrum

 * SLOT 4000 -  10ms dark spectrum

 * SLOT 5000 -  100ms dark spectrum

 * SLOT 6000 -  500ms dark spectrum



 * Other space is reserved by factory used,

 * It is strongly recommended that end user not to touch unknown eeprom area


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_write_eeprom_slot(int index, int* error_code, int slot_number, unsigned char* buffer,

int buffer_length);


 * This function is reserved by factory internal used 

 * read all the eeprom from device, this command should not be used by end customer, to avoid the mistake in the spectrometer


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_read_all_eeprom(int index, int* error_code,  unsigned char* buffer,

int buffer_length);


 * This function is reserved by factory internal used 

 * this function to push all the data into eeprom


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_flush_all_eeprom(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief This function reads the value of the TEC and returns the value in

 *        degrees celsius.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return double: The TEC temperature in degrees Celsius.


DLL_DECL double libspectrometer_read_tec_current_temperature(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief This function sets the TEC temperature.

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 * @param temperature_degrees_celsius (Input) The desired temperature, in degrees

 *        Celsius.


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_tec_temperature(int index, int* error_code,

double temperature_degrees_celsius);


*  @brief read TEC set point only support TEC enabled device

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return double: The setting point of TEC temperature in degrees Celsius.


DLL_DECL double libspectrometer_read_tec_set_point(int index, int* error_code);


 * @brief This fills in the provided array (up to the given length) with the indices

 *        of the pixels that are electrically active but optically masked

 *        (a.k.a. electric dark pixels).

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @param indices (Output) A pre-allocated array of ints into which the pixel indices

 *        will be copied

 * @param length (Input) The number of values to copy into the indices array (count in size of int(4byte))


 * Note that not all detectors have optically masked pixels; in that case,

 * this function will return zero.


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_electric_dark_pixel_indices(int index, int* error_code,

int* indices, int length);





 * @brief set external trigger parameter

 * external trigger timing can be defined by end user


 * --SPECTROMETER -------------------------------||starting integration <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<||---

 *                     ^                                                      |

 *                     |<-delay before collect-> | <-delay after collect->  | V

 *           external trigger coming                          output signal to external device such as XENON/laser light on 

 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_external_trigger_parameter(int index, int* error_code,

unsigned long delayBeforeAcquisitonUS, unsigned long delayAfterAcquisitonUS);


 * @brief get stm32 version 

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_stm32_version(int index, int* error_code, char* string, int length);


 * @brief get fpga version

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error

 *///, if return is null, need to be called several times

DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_get_fpga_version(int index, int* error_code, char* string, int length);


 * @brief set state of GPIO pin, gpioId is index of GPIO,

 * currently only 0 (GPIO0)  or 1 (GPIO1) supported, state=1,

 * set GPIO to high, state=0 set GPIO to low

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_gpiox(int index, int* error_code, int gpioId, int state);


 * @brief get input voltage of GPIO input,

 * currently only 0 (GPIO0)  or 1 (GPIO1) supported, state=1,

 * set GPIO to high, state=0 set GPIO to low

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_read_gpio_input(int index, int* error_code, int gpioId);


 * @brief automatically set the integration time, user can specfied the min Y intensity of spectrum he wanted, typical min=40000

 * currently only 0 (GPIO0)  or 1 (GPIO1) supported, state=1,

 * set GPIO to high, state=0 set GPIO to low

 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL long libspectrometer_set_auto_integration_time(int index, int* error_code, double min);


// LASER related



 * @brief  state = 1 open laser, state = 0 close laser


 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_laser_switch(int index, int* error_code, int laser_id, int state);


 * @brief  set power of laser, 785laser range from 1 - 500mw, 532laser range from 1 - 100mw


 * @param index the position of the spectrometer, if only one spectrometer connected to PC,

 * please use index=0, to open the spectromter. If we have more than one spectrometer, we can use 

 * index = 0.... N-1 to open specfied spectrometer.

 * please be noted, if spectrometer is changed to different PC USB port , the index of the spectrometer may be also changed

 * @param error_code please see above

 * @return int: return 1 when success, return 0 if has error


DLL_DECL int libspectrometer_set_laser_power(int index, int* error_code, int laser_id, int power);


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  • 下一篇: 没有了!


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